Should I take the vaccine? The untested Bio weapon

Above – Dr. Vernon Coleman MB [bachelor of medicine] ChB [Bachelor of Surgery] DSc [Doctor of Sciences]
How many people
Many more Dr. Coleman videos


OAN is putting it all out there!

A Shot in the Dark Documentary 
(Bad Baby Vaccines) >>> Parents!


Useful articles…

Parasites – A New Paradigm

Black Seed Oil is an anti-parasitic, antibacterial, antifungal and an effective treatment against COVID poisoning.

How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine

How to remove Graphene Oxide, the dangerous & undisclosed ingredient in COVID Vaccines, from the body.

Senator Ron Johnson Issues a Plea to ALL Doctors and Nurses: “Put an END to this INSANITY”

More Senators: Australia senator goes on record about the vaccine injuries

Former Australian MP warns 75% of COVID-19 vaccinated women are experiencing miscarriages


Don’t ask us how we knew
Ask yourself why you [didn’t]

Peter McCullough These Vaccines Are Causing Death – Senate Committee

More Dr. McCullough videos

Dr Flemming’s testimony UNDER OATH regarding COVID and the ‘vaccines’ COVID CRIMES

Human 2.0 ? A Wake-Up About COVID19 Vaccine – Dr. Carrie Madej

When vaccine passports implemented, protests took place around the world – hardly any coverage

MORE ON THIS PAGE> The evidence that all MSM is scripted and the forces who control their script

Dr. Malone – inventor mRNA – RISK for INFECTIONS, DISEASE, DEATH compared to the unvaccinated

Conference of Conscience – Australian Doctors Finally Speak Out


Massive Bio-Structures Found in Bodies of the Vaccinated

FDA Authorizes Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccines for Children Down to 6 Months of Age

Fertility is being attacked; miscarriage is up 800%, an 85% chance of miscarriage

Daily Mail – Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome – as doctors seek answers through a new national register

Tainted Breast Milk: Vaccinated Mothers Are Lactating a Petroleum Product Straight to the Baby

Military medical doctors warning about vaccines

Useful article…

HUGE! Senator Malcolm Roberts – TGA is failing to conduct autopsies that died from the Vaccines

Craig Kelly MP Australia – Medical Vaccine Coercion – Media is the Virus

Australia senator goes on record about the vaccine injuries

Babies who are nursing are getting sick from vaccinated mothers

BOMBSHELL: Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes The Plan to Implant Humanity with Cancer Viruses

DA Now Admits Certain Vaccines Cause Blood Clots: 
FDA Now Says Covid Should Be Treated Like the Flu: 
Fully Vaccinated Young Adults suffer 73% increase in Heart Attacks & Strokes and 92% higher Mortality Rate:
Dr. Wodarg Explains How Spike Protein Could Be Transported From Breast Milk to the Baby: “So with the breast milk, for sure, the exosomes go to the babies, and if there is mRNA and if there are spike proteins [in the exosomes], they will get them.
Ryan Cole reports a striking clustering of once-rare cancers. “These are not normal cancers” – Doctors around the world are noticing that “something is wrong.” Florida physician: “I’ve seen five kidney cancers in young patients. I usually experience one kidney cancer per decade of my practice.” Head of oncology at a large hospital: “In young people, I see maybe one astrocytoma brain tumor per year. After the introduction of boosters last month, I saw five.” Another doctor: “My 21-year-old son got the booster. Now he has salivary gland cancer.” Family physician from Ireland: “I’ve seen the strangest cancers after the introduction of vaccination.” Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

World renown Molecular Biologist Dr. Judy Mikovits discuss everything from COVID19 to vaccines. You will be horrified at the true agenda at play here.

Dr. Robert Malone: 17,000 Scientists and Physicians Signed The Rome Declaration

Dr. Robert Malone Full 3 hour banned Interview By Joe Rogan: Explains How Dire the Situation is

Do not vaccinate or restrict the naturally immune, and stop blocking physicians from treating patients.

“There are more scientists and physicians that have signed off on this than are employed at the entire HSS. Let that sink in for a moment.

We’re not a bunch of right-wing proud boys nut cases. Not to disparage proud boys, but that is how they want to paint us.

It’s this intentional targeting of physicians. The press is hunting physicians in coordination with big pharma, that’s what is going on, and they are doing it all over the world.”

17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists Declare “COVID National Emergency Over” and Call on Congress to Restore Constitutional Democracy by Ending Emergency Powers.

How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine

Useful article…

They created an illusion of a pandemic so they could use drugs & vaccines to kill people. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Worse Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed! Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Dr. Stuckelberger On The Dangers Of Covid Gene Shot

How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine

This Video Instantly ends the COVID Pandemic

Links for above video Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 148 studies.

How to Detox Spike Protein After COVID or Vaccine

Dr. Robert Malone: Before You Inject Your Child! URGENT WARNING!!! All Parents Need To Hear This! HALF A MILLION VIEWS! YOUTUBE BANNED

Dr. Robert Malone Full 3 hour banned Interview By Joe Rogan: Explains How Dire the Situation is

Dr. Robert Malone: inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccines.

Dr Malone: Mass formation psychosis Germany and now the World

Dr. Robert Malone Full 3 hour banned Interview By Joe Rogan: Explains How Dire the Situation is

Dr. Zev Zelenko: Speaking Against Vaccine Narrative is Considered Domestic Terrorism

Future slaves….

Links for above video
DHS Document: Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

NY Post Article: (

Babies who are nursing are getting sick from vaccinated mothers

Pfizer Seeks Approval to Inject Infants with Deadly Gene Therapy Shots

Babies who are nursing are getting sick from vaccinated mothers

A Shot in the Dark Documentary
It’s not just the new covid jabs that are bad!

Seen in documentary above

Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebaard
PART 17, The Truth behind vaccines (See all episodes, Recommended)

1135% Increase In Autism – CDC Cover Up Vaccine Mercury Dangers

Clot Shot Carnage: The Evidence Is Everywhere

Dr. Pierre Kory shines a light on the information war we are in

Start > THE AWAKENING > Crimes Against Humanity

A Letter To The Unvaccinated

News categoryHealth

PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER, Worse Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed!

Reports of COVID Vaccine Injuries Pass 1 Million Mark, FDA Signs Off on Pfizer Booster for Kids 12 and Up
Columbia University 400,000 DEAD, 20 Million Americans Sick From COVID Vax
She refused to ‘just follow orders’: Why Cortez, Colorado lost its most dedicated pharmacist

Doctor’s Orders A documentary by

FALL OF THE CABAL – Part 17: Depopulation – Extinction Tool Number 10 – Vaccination

“Reverse transcription is actually a thing with mRNA vaccines.
So they can (and do) actually alter DNA.”

More at UnmaskingTruth.Org
Adverse events in the OpenVAERS global database

Fauci Docs: Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels

Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early

Above – Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

Covid 19 Fraud the reset and the benefits of Ivermectin cover up

Dr. Peter McCullough Warning Vaccine Spike Protein is Deadly

The Full video of Dr McCullough can be seen here.

Continue to page 2

Critical race theory is behind calls that Australia is a ‘racist nation’

Sky News Australia one, if not the only Australian news sites to have an unbiased real world view. You wont see any of this at other Australian media channels.

Sky News host Chris Kenny says the position, held by the likes of the ABC, that Australia is a racist nation has its origins in “critical race theory” where everything is viewed through the “prism of identity politics”.

Racism is not in our nature and is just used for a narrative and agenda to divide. They will find and show A racist somewhere. Always one bad apple in every bunch and it comes back to how they where brought up and taught.

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