When We Succeed This Story Will Be Known To The Whole World!
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Laura Aboli – We are in the middle of a multidimensional war
We are in the middle of a multidimensional war. A geopolitical, spiritual, physical, emotional and psychological war. However there is an important peculiarity about this war of outmost importance; all the different dimensions are actually dependent on one thing, and one thing only – our perception of truth and therefore reality.
Those wanting to increase and consolidate their power over us, know that in order to achieve their objectives they must, above all, control our perception. To this endeavor they have dedicated masses of resources, knowledge of the human psyche, manpower and time.
At the end of the day, their dystopian goals require of our collaboration, our compliance and obedience, and for that they need to manipulate all aspects of the manufactured ‘reality’ we are exposed to, so that our perception of ‘truth’ is based on their lies.
The reason for their push towards transhumanism is so that in the future their manipulation of our perception and behavior can be done at the switch of a button.
In a nutshell, they want to sever our connection to God and connect us to their cloud; the so called ‘Internet of Things’, where we are just one more ‘thing’ connected to a massive 5G web. Completely controlled, surveyed and enslaved.
The good news is, that given it all depends on our ignorant and wilfull collaboration, the way to crush their goals is simple: let’s wake up and say ‘no’.
The challenge of course, lies in waking up the very large portion of the population that live in a total hypnotic state of fear, denial and indoctrination.
So when you feel anxious and frustrated with the increasing madness that surround us, and you ask yourself, ‘what can I do’!?
Just know that the only thing you can do, is plant seeds of knowledge whenever you can (gently and politely), so they may germinate in others and hopefully spread.
The nightmare ends when we wake up in mass, it’s as simple as that. So let’s keep making some noise! 😊🙏🏻❤️
These global events were not televised
The News is Fake, the War is real – it had to be this way.
• For the first time in U.S. history, the U.S. Military White HATS have THE FULL POWER to bring down the CABAL/ Deep State [DS] Evil monarchs that have run the U.S. Government corporation for hundreds of years and hid their full identity through corruption and INFILTRATION into all sectors of the Military, Three Letter Agencies, political leaders and through a maze of World power that kept [them] at Bay from prosecution and imprisonment/ death an ENDING to their GLOBALIZATION AGENDAS.
• CURRENTLY the U.S. Military OPERATIONS was in the MIDST (All most done) of compiling all the DEEP STATE CABAL OPERATORS and INFILTRATORS into all sectors of the three branches of The United States GOVERNMENT.
• This was a task of finding all the Infiltrators, Moles, Sleepers, Double/ Triple Agents, Domestic, Foreign Agents and provocateurs.
RAW TRUTH > Melbourne Event – Part 1 ~ the Situation
>>Restored Republic<<
Active Executive Orders and [National Emergencies] listed
>>The Birth of the Cabal<<

Ascension All Connected and Also Important

Ascension All Connected and Also Important