Loy Brunson EXPLAINS His Historic Supreme Court Case!


This is a show. Please see USA Military Veteran DEREK JOHNSON here The US has been under Active Martial Law since March 2020

Everything You Were Observing Right Now in US Politics
Has Been Scripted. It’s Part of The Plan to Save the World

The US has been under Active Martial Law since March 2020


Dr. David Martin – Exposing the Coup D’Etat & the Plot to Steal America – AWAKEN USA

The US has been under Active Martial Law since March 2020

The lecture given by David Straight – They are filled with factual truth of the United States history – Out of Babylon

“We will be filing a petition for reconsideration within the next 30 days which moves the court to reconsider their denial. After it’s filed, it gets docketed, and they set it up again for a closed door hearing. This process takes about 30 days after it’s put on the docket.”

-Deron Brunson



  • A little-known case that appeared recently on the Supreme Court docket could upend everything. The case of Brunson v. Adams, not even reported in the mainstream media, was filed pro se by ordinary American citizens – four brothers from Utah — seeking the removal of President Biden and Vice President Harris, along with 291 U.S.
  • Representatives and 94 U.S. Senators who voted to certify the Electors to the Electoral College on January 6, 2021 without first investigating serious allegations of election fraud in half a dozen states and foreign election interference and breach of national security in the 2020 Presidential Election. The outcome of such relief would presumably be to restore Donald Trump to the presidency.
  • This country served perfectly well — and thrived — for over 100 years without taxes! Why didn’t we have them? Because it turns out they are actually Unconstitutional! Loy Brunson explains, “It’s all right in the Constitution! He covers a ton of other topics too, but my favorite was his finding of what he calls the “Interpretation Clause” in the 9th Amendment.”
  • He says he was the first to discover it, and I think he’s right because I searched for “Interpretation Clause Constitution” and nothing comes up in search results. And yet, there it is plain as day….ignored for decades and centuries! We’re not a perfect country and the Founding Fathers were not perfect people….BUT….I do believe they were divinely inspired by God to write that document and you’ll be blown away as you listen to Loy Brunson explain more.
  • The important national security interests implicated in this case allowed the Brunsons to bypass an appeal that was frozen at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit and get the case to the Supreme Court which has now scheduled a hearing for January 6, 2023. The Brunson Petition for a Writ of Certiorari would require the votes of only four Justices to move the case forward.
  • It seems astounding that the Court would wade into such waters two years to the day after the Congressional vote to install Joe Biden as President. But these are not normal times. Democrats may well push legislation in this month’s lame duck session of Congress to impose term limits and a mandatory retirement age for Justices, and thereby open the door to packing the Court. Such a course would seem to be clear violations of Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution which provides that Justices “shall hold their Offices during good Behavior.” In addition to such institutional threats to the Supreme Court, several Justices and their families have been living under constant threats to their personal security since the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
  • Perhaps these institutional and security threats have provided powerful incentives for the Court to put Brunson v. Adams on its dockets as a shield to deter any efforts by the lame duck Congress to infringe on the Court’s independence. Or perhaps conservatives on the Court are serious about using the Brunson case as a sword to remove public officials who they believe have violated their constitutional Oaths of office by rubber-stamping Electors on Jan. 6th without first conducting any investigation of serious allegations of election fraud and foreign election interference.
  • Moreover, recent weeks have brought a cascade of news suggesting the likelihood of an impending constitutional crisis that could be difficult to resolve without the Court’s intervention. It is now clear that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was colluding with social media giants Twitter and Facebook to censor news of Hunter Biden’s laptop in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election – a most egregious First Amendment violation intended to rig the election outcome and perhaps to install an unaccountable and criminal puppet government.
  • Meanwhile, the January 6th committee has sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department to arrest President Trump even though his reinstated tweets are a reminder that he was not calling for insurrection but for peaceful protest on January 6th.
  • More recently, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was reportedly working with Big Tech to censor election critics.
  • Supreme Court Justices may well see these approaching storm clouds and conclude that the Court’s intervention is necessary to prevent larger civil unrest resulting from constitutional violations that are undermining public trust and confidence in the outcomes of both the 2020 and 2022 elections.
  • When criminals break the law — state and federal statutes — to rig an election, we are dependent on prosecutions by law enforcement agencies that have sadly become politicized and complicit. When they break the Constitution — the supreme law of the land — to rig an election, the only recourse may be the Supreme Court or military tribunals.
  • As the Brunson lawsuit argues, all of Congress was put on notice prior to its January 6th vote by more than a hundred of its own members detailing serious allegations of election frauds and calling for creation of an electoral commission to investigate the allegations.
  • Moreover, the Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) was required to submit a report on foreign threats to the 2020 Presidential election by December 18, 2020. That deadline was set by executive order and by Congress itself.
  • When December 18th came and went without ODNI submitting its report, Congress should have started asking questions and investigating. In fact, DNI John Ratcliffe announced on that day that the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies he was overseeing had found evidence of foreign election interference but were split as to its significance and whether such breach of national security was sufficient to overturn the outcome of the election.
  • And yet there was no action whatsoever by Congress, no inquiry and no investigation. Instead, Congress approved the possibly fraudulent election results on January 6th without asking any questions of the DNI and the Intelligence Community.
  • When the results of the 1876 presidential election were in doubt, Congress created a special Electoral Commission made up of five House members, five Senators, and five Supreme Court Justices to investigate. In contrast, in early 2021 Congress had nearly two weeks to investigate before the January 20th date of the Presidential Inauguration. Had Congress waited even just one more day to January 7th, they would have received the long-awaited ODNI report reflecting a split in the Intelligence Community and the DNI’s own conclusion that the People’s Republic of China had interfered to influence the outcome of the presidential election.
  • As Dr. Barry A. Zulauf, the Analytic Ombudsman for the Intelligence Community, concluded at the time, the Intelligence Community shamefully delayed their findings until after the January 6th Electoral College certification by Congress because of their political disagreements with the Trump administration. This paints a picture of collusion and conspiracy involving members of Congress and U.S. intelligence agencies to coverup evidence of foreign election interference and constituting the crime of High Treason
  • The Brunson lawsuit does not claim the election was stolen, merely that a large majority of Congress, by failing to investigate such serious allegations of election rigging and breaches of national security, violated their Oaths to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic – an Oath also taken by Supreme Court Justices and members of the U.S. military.
  • Our Constitution is Hanging by a Thread. Support the Brunson petition and help the fight to uphold the Constitution by writing a letter to the Supreme Court Justices asking them to review this case, favorably: address to the Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543.
  • Send a copy of your letter to the Brunson Brothers (that helps keep track of the # of letters to SCOTUS). Please include $1 for the Supreme Court effort and address to Loy & Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison Blvd, Apt. 132, Ogden, Utah 84403.
  • Join us in Prayer that the Supreme Court will take seriously it’s sworn duty to uphold the God-inspired Constitution of the United States.

What are your Rights and where do they come from in Law as it is written


Dr. David Martin – Exposing the Coup D’Etat & the Plot to Steal America – AWAKEN USA

The US has been under Active Martial Law since March 2020

Brunson Charge

  • A Call To Action, Juan O Savin: Did you send your letters? Imagine if SCOTUS received one million letters from ordinary Americans. Would that indicate the pulse of the nation? How about if ten million students, grandmas, aunts, moms and dads sent them a note of encouragement?
  • Here’s a link to a template letter to personalize/print:


  • Another Sample Letter: To The Honorable Nine Supreme Court Justices:

It is our prayer that you will rule in favor of Brunson vs. Adams et all Case 22-380 that requests Congress people uphold their oath of office to support our beloved Constitution.

According to Rule 11, that oath included investigating possible intervention in Elections by foreign entities. In this case it was a suspected interference by the Chinese Communist Party in the 2020 Election.

By ignoring 100 officially registered complaints of possible Election Fraud before certifying the 2020 Election, Congress failed to protect The People and sanctity of our sacred votes in not only the 2020 Election, but this Congressional failure to act cast doubts for the integrity of both past and future Elections.

Elected officials who ignore their oath to support our beloved Constitution should be held accountable and do not deserve to hold office.

  • Write Attention to the “Nine Supreme Court Justices”

Express support of Brunson vs Alma S Adams et al, No: 22-380.

Sign your name, date it and make a copy.

Send the Original in a stamped envelope addressed to: Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543.

Put the copy (and $1 to say thanks and help in the fight) and send in a stamped envelope to Loy & Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison Blvd. #132, Ogden, Utah 84403.

  • Your effort would not be in vain. Both the Supreme Court and the Brunsons were registering the letters – well over 50,000 received so far.

Brunson Charge

Everything You Were Observing Right Now in US Politics
Has Been Scripted. It’s Part of The Plan to Save the World

NEW>>> On Tues. 25 April 2023 the Supreme Court docketed the Loy Arlan Brunson Case #22-1029. The 388 Defendants (385 members of Congress, plus Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris and Mike Pence = 388 total)

[Awaken more and limit civil unrest, etc.]
The US has been under Active Martial Law since March 2020


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The US has been under Active Martial Law since March 2020

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