Dear friend,
Roe v. Wade is gone.
In a generational win for Alliance Defending Freedom and the pro-life movement, the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health finally overturned the disastrous, deadly Roe v. Wade.
All thanks be to God! This is a decision of a lifetime that will save tens of millions of lives.
The stakes could not have been higher. Roe led to the death of more than 2,360 children in America every single day. But now Roe is gone—and more children will live full, unique lives.
ADF was honored to serve on the Mississippi legal team defending the law at the Supreme Court in Dobbs.
From working with Mississippi lawmakers and Governor Bryant to draft and enact the Gestational Age Act in 2018 to helping defend this important law with the State of Mississippi all the way to the Supreme Court, ADF has been privileged to ensure that women and their unborn children are protected and cherished in Mississippi.
We rejoice in the decision, which not only upholds Mississippi’s law protecting unborn babies beginning at 15 weeks but also allows states to once again fully protect unborn children at all stages of their development, empower and protect mothers, and promote a culture of life.
The decision overturns nearly 50 years of egregiously wrong legal thought and puts an end to the Supreme Court’s immoral justifications for the intentional killing of tens of millions.
Lives are now being protected in Mississippi and other states all over the country as a direct result of the Supreme Court’s decision.
For moms in need who have been coerced into thinking abortion is their only option, this is a huge step forward. Abortion is the opposite of “healthcare,” leaving mothers filled with pain, regret, and psychological and spiritual turmoil that last a lifetime.
This didn’t happen overnight. It’s a day decades in the making.
You and other pro-life Americans have invested heart, soul, sweat, and tears by working in pregnancy centers, counseling mothers considering abortion on sidewalks, supporting pregnant moms with things like church diaper and bottle drives, and, most of all, praying.
This is a victory for every pro-life American—and for the precious, unique lives who will now live because of it. This is a victory for you.
The fact is, the Dobbs case exposed a half century of lies, bad science, and the devastating consequences of abortion on women, children, and families.
As Justice Alito wrote:
“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.”
This was a decision filled with moral courage, especially after the leak of the draft opinion and the intimidation directed at the Justices.
In 1973, the Court invented a right to abortion that isn’t in the text or history of the Constitution. The Court reversed that deadly error. We rejoice and thank God for this truly life-saving decision!
And now, the next stage in protecting human life begins.
Some states will protect unborn babies and their moms. Others will fully support the abortion industry. Still others will be somewhere in the middle. In each state, there is much, much work to do.
While states can now protect the unborn and are empowered to create a culture in which families can thrive, this decision doesn’t end the circumstances that drive women to see abortion as their only option. These women need resources—and pro-life pregnancy centers will be needed more than ever.
Life after Roe places demands on all of us—from the church to the state to every pro-life American.
In some states, pro-life groups and individuals will be under as much attack as ever. They will need a strong legal defense to protect their life-saving work. And state legislators will need help crafting laws that protect moms and babies.
Your gift today will help:
- Stand up for life-affirming laws across the country.
- Prevent state courts from issuing their own “Roe” decisions under state law.
- Protect the ability of pro-life pregnancy centers and other organizations to serve women and children.
- And save lives!
- Donate
Remember, this is not the end of the fight for life, but the beginning of a new chapter in that fight.
Together, we can create a nation that recognizes and protects every human life, offers women something better than abortion, and produces thriving families.
For life,
Kristen Waggoner
General Counsel
P.S. This historic victory would not have been possible without you—and neither will a future America in which every human life is protected, where every mom is valued, and where every family can thrive. The work is beginning a new stage.
Alliance Defending Freedom
‘Jane Roe’ confesses on her deathbed that she was paid to say and play the part