You Know NCSWIC – The People must do it themselves RISE UP – Understand what needs to happen Mil LAW

IT HAS BEGUN > 34,000 U.S. Military Oath Keepers into a Texas to defend the Constitution , and the Revolt against the Deep State government and their Elites
- THE FINAL PHASEUNITED STATES UNDER >MILITARY CONTROL<>>Restored Republic<< INFILTRATION – THE MILITARY ALLIANCE WHITE HATS OPS HAD INFILTRATED THE DEEP STATE PROJECTS AND OPERATIONS SINCE THE 70’S > Read more • You are now beginning to witness the chess pieces take their final moves before the world truly learns the truth about what has
- THE END TIMES? IS IT TIME FOR A WAKE-UP CALL?Ascension 5D: This explains a lot! UNITED STATES UNDER >MILITARY CONTROL>Restored RepublicThe Birth of the Cabal
- TOP 10 things STARSEEDS + LIGHTWORKERS are experiencing right nowAscension All Connected and Also Important UNITED STATES UNDER >MILITARY CONTROL>Restored RepublicThe Birth of the Cabal
- WARNING – The deep state is planning Major CHAOS and military is preparing to go after the choke points in the U.SMilitary operations picking up speed in East Coast. One month ago Warned you that Military operations in several fronts along the East Coast was preparing for operations._NOW Intelligence WIRES are sharing all the same information // TO PREPARE FOR U.S. SOIL COMBAT In California. Texas and Florida Military operations are
- P DIDDY IS MUCH MUCH MORE THAN YOU CAN FATHOM. IT LEADS TO THE VERY TOPMilitary operationsCABLES; IT LEADS TO THE VERY TOP Trump and the military set all events into motion, and the outcome of the Department of Homeland Security cover up of the P. DIDDY investigation is going to lead to KAMALA. EPSTEIN. CLINTONS . TRUMP is insuring The FBI. DHS Will destroy
- 5th Generation warfare games and game plans – THE SET UP5th Generation warfare games and game plans//)) THE SET UP 🔥 Did Trump lose the debate or win? You have to think logically. You have to think like the top intelligence agencies across the world. __First you must understand Trump is not just a single person and a lone warrior
- Ascension 5D: This explains a lot!Explaining the False Matrix < Ascension – Awaken MORE > Important event to occur in humanity’s evolution UNITED STATES UNDER >MILITARY CONTROL>Restored RepublicThe Birth of the Cabal
- We are coming to man made events that are MIMICKING the sun solar flares >> EMPWe are COMING into EVENTS of earthquake wars that I have been talking about.We are coming to man made _events that are MIMICKING the sun solar flares>> EMP These advanced military grade weapons ( 30-45 years advanced technology WEAPONS) are being used to MIMIC biblical _EVENTSMIMIC extraterrestrial future Events.MIMIC fake
- History in the making – The theme is unity – That will shake the world – Reverse Psyop AwakenHow [Poisoned] is our land and water now? The War On All Fronts UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL UNITED STATES UNDER >MILITARY CONTROL>Restored RepublicThe Birth of the Cabal
- EXECUTIVE ORDER 13912, Donald Trump Federalizes The National Guard and Reserves to Active DutyExecutive Order 13912 • Those unaddressed National Emergencies allowed President Trump to utilize Emergency Powers and War Powers of the President under Article II and IV of the Constitution along with the National Emergencies Act, the Stafford Act, Executive Order 12148, 13912, 13919, 13848, 13961, 10 US Code Chapter 1209,
- NOT EVERYTHING IS AS IT SEEMS IN ISRAEL <.> IRANWe are saving Israel for last.Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Why did Q write this?Since 2017 and the beginning of Q Intel drops, Israel military conflict was at an all time minimum. _Now after 7 years and Q Intel drops. Israel and the Middle East conflict is
- YOU ARE THE ONE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FORCHANGE Is Coming – A New ERA – Shaolin Master Many are just not ready Not everyone will not make this shift and as you can see not only in the United States but around the globe many just are not ready. Many are still stuck in the old structure
- Masses Don’t Know How They’re Being Ripped OffBy Peter B. Meyer – 31 July, 2024 By foisting counterfeit money on the financial class, the feds have increased the share of national income held by the “one percent” to three times what it was in the 1970s.For example, there are 2.3 million people earning more than $1 million
- Are YOU really ready [mentally, spiritually] for what’s to come? NCSWICNCSWIC Nothing After Trump was elected, He immediately signed Highly Classified Operations and Gave FULL POWER TO THE MILITARY TO CARRY OUT >>>THE STORM OPERATIONS<<< National Guard – This ain’t no weekend drill – Nope – Monticello, Indiana USA Restored Republic – USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki WE
- DOUBLE INSIDE OPERATIONS – The deep state creates an EVENT and White hats Military Operations mimic the EVENT with different outcomes]; INSIDE JOB (X2) Mirroring -Operations[DOUBLE INSIDE OPERATIONS]_The deep state creates an EVENT and White hats Military Operations mimic the EVENT with different outcomes benefitting White hats in military assessment, Warfare, psychological warfare and gaming operations. MILITARY GAME THEORY OPERATIONS ]; Military defense applications, Game theory is often a needed
- After Trump was elected, He immediately signed Highly Classified Operations and Gave FULL POWER TO THE MILITARY TO CARRY OUT >THE STORM OPERATIONS<Ezra Cohen-Watnick, acting under secretary of defense for intelligence and security, who also spoke, noted that President John F. Kennedy predicted the need for special operations forces, which are particularly suited to unconventional warfare. > Special Operations Leader to Report Directly to Acting Defense Secretary :REPRISAL _ ( REVENGE) >Nessun Dorma Military
- ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM | Full Free Documentary | Peter Joseph Social DistortionEdward Griffin on the Federal Reserve – It is an instrument of totalitarian control Federal Reserve System, Edward Griffin: “When I did my research on this topic I came to the conclusion that the Federal Reserve system does not need to be audited, it needs to be abolished. The reason
- Frequently Unanswered Questions of the “Australian Government” – DocumentaryLATEST NEWSTHE AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTIONNOW NO LONGER APPLIES United States Corporation Company is bankrupt Australia is subsidiary of that Corporation Understand YOUR RIGHTS The Official Name of Government The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act of 1900 (UK) refers to Government as the “Government of the Commonwealth” Today, all mail comes with the
- TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT – WHAT HAPPENED? The EVENT is not a single event… But a secession of events 11.3 Laws of Wars operationsTRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT WHAT HAPPENED? ( Remember i have been giving you DROPS this EVENT was going to happen.. Long before Tucker Carlson stated it could happen. I have mentioned several times this was coming . But the last week’s i gave you the full Intel that this event was
- Restored Republic – USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy MiareckiViewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average “Normie” or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.It is worth remembering that much of what is “At Play” in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part
>>Restored Republic<<
Active Executive Orders and [National Emergencies] listed
>>The Birth of the Cabal<<

Ascension All Connected and Also Important

Ascension All Connected and Also Important