What to expect MUSK Twitter


BIDEN, HRC, OBAMA.. and other deep state presidents around the world WILL come after Musk. >Including ELITEs, and BLACKROCK/Vanguard media controlled COMPANIES/and their minions> talk show host/celebs/influencers.ect.ect.ect.

[DS] governments WILL use TWITTER to bring in new social media LAWS
( as Germany and EU already got ready last week… And created new laws for social media companies…)///

Hundreds of millions will FLOCK back to Twitter and share so much information on PLANdemic, the virus, bioweapons, vaccines DEATHS, election FRAUD exposure in many countries..

_The DEEP STATE is looking forward to blaming. TWITTER for world misinformation platform and [ they,] already have a plan in place to create more laws connected to seizing, freezing bank accounts, arresting people ( Germany now has a TELEGRAM TASK FORCE )//

FAUCI, CDC,.NIH . WHO, WEF..ECT are already pushing for World Health to be above the law and can push for censorship of any platform including TWITTER….[ They] are pushing for FULL Control… And In the midst of creating new laws…

…… but MUSK < the silent INTEL mil. Battalions ,45 backing him.. Have other plans in place….. And are awaiting the deep state moves..

GAME theory


The WHITE HATS couldn’t stop the deep state from releasing the Bioweapons and creating the PLAN_DEMIC…

But the White hats could use their own PLAN against them
( :chess_pawn: CHESS :chess_pawn:)////
That’s the reason why Trump placed FAUCEI in the center ( he knew FAUCI would FALL and his orgs. Would come front and center [ ]> _The forced collapse of the world economy.. Would also effect share holders and world ELITE investment firms…. They would be forced to sell inside the [COLLAPSE]>>> [ TWITTER]. Share holders were/are in panic of world economy and wanted to sell _Trump had to step aside from winning the Election ( was all PLANNED< …… Even Trump Stated that losing the election is EXPOSING all the corruption in the government… If he would have won . Nothing would have changed and the deep state would have continued blaming him for everything while In office)>>>> the REAL plan has been shared with you multiple times…..> U.S. Military seized all the Gold hidden in the Vatican in 2016 Winter…. The VATICAN controlled over 5 continents of the world and their wealth for hundreds of years ( they are currently broke and asking for donations) _BIDEN( fake Biden,/ clone or whatever) is controlled by White Hats.. since 2017 > the winning of Biden on the world stage was[ INFILTRATION] INTO THE DEEP STATE , BUSH SR. was a turn coat, INFORMAT….>hence the letters that were handed out during his funeral to the deep Elites in attendance…
_ When TRUMP issued OPERATION WARP SPEED this was a CUE (Q) to initiate final stages of the WHITE HATS PLAN… Including > activating GASARA/ NASARA////

( I have explained multiple times why Trump issued the vaccines (and why most had contained placebos )//// <<< the issue of the vaccines is connected to bringing down DEEP STATE MEDICAL INDUSTRY/ BIG PHARMA…..>> Mil Tribunals<

The collapse of CNN, BANKS, industries ECT ECT ECT ECT see ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT owned by BLACKROCK/ VANGUARD (largest investment firms owned by the cabal world wide ) is inside the GAME THEORY plan…

Hence >TWITTER/<

_UKRAINE EXPOSEs all connected to middle east, OBAMA HRC, UN. WORLD MONEY LAUNDERING ( Future eventS confirms COLLAPSE)///

In truth Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is a silent turn coat who is under CONTROLL of Bin Salman. And SALMAN Is under the wings of 45.mil.B and Salman is cleaning his house from the old control of the BUSH and ROTHSCHILDs house////

Nothing is as it seems…
Nothing is clean …

So much blackhats and gray HATS….. Are actually turn coats playing a game…..


>>Restored Republic<<
Active Executive Orders and [National Emergencies] listed

>>The Birth of the Cabal<<

Uncensored Alternative News Media

Ascension All Connected and Also Important

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