US Mid-Term Election Fraud 2022
- John Durham: “They are openly cheating in the election via Dominion Voting Systems as we warned you they would. Electronic machines not working in multiple areas. Treason.”
- Military Finds Evidence of Election Fraud: Under the White Hat partition of the U.S. military at U.S. Army Cyber Command headquarters in Fort Gordon, Georgia, cyber security analysts began noticing election irregularities early in the day. Approximately 35% of vote tabulators—electronic devices into which ballots are fed and counted—experienced what the Maricopa County Elections Department called a “technical hiccup,” which persisted for several hours. Unbeknownst to election officials, White Hats had undercover boots on the ground as the “glitch” forced voters to cast ballots elsewhere or forego voting altogether. At least one machine had active Wi-Fi and was connected to the internet, a Cyber Command source told RRN. “Tabulators that mark ballots shouldn’t be Wi-Fi capable. It makes them susceptible to outside tampering and intrusion,” he said. Cyber Command, he added, has “obtained” a compromised machine and is evaluating “suspicious” connection logs.
- Crime Spikes: Mike Lindell Shows Real Evidence Of Election Fraud. Mike Lindell and his group of researchers show massive spikes up and down in votes counts coming from many different races in the 2022 midterm elections. The spikes always favor the Democrat candidate. This evidence cannot be ignored.
- Arizona: The Poll Worker guy says “twenty-five percent of the ballots are being misread.” I’ll lay you ten to one odds all the “errors” are in favor of Democrats! 20% of Maricopa County’s tabulators are not working. 1 out of 5 not being counted. The broken machines show up only in Republican areas. Election officials in Arizona say they are prepared to work through Thanksgiving and possibly Christmas as well to finish counting votes. …CNBC. What the hell! The fraud is evident.
- In South Carolina, election officials were blaming the age of voting machines for complaints that arose when voters complained the machine altered their intended choices.
- North Carolina, concerns that machines might not count all the votes led officials to release a statement blaming the humidity, but also assuring voters that all ballots will be counted, the Washington Examiner reported.
- Georgia: Things were a little more serious in Georgia, where problems with electronic equipment forced some polling places in Gwinnett County to resort to paper ballots. The malfunction led to lines that made some voters wait for hours. “I’m still waiting to vote. Provisional ballots have been offered to those who want them,” said Derrick Oatis as he waited to vote, according to the New York Daily News “Today when I voted in Marietta, Georgia (just outside of Atlanta) I checked on my phone if there were “Active WIFI’s” I could see from the voting floor. I saw (7) of them! I spoke with the Manager in charge and she just played dumb, but when asked to do something, the response I got back was that it was up to me to tell the Government Authorities? WOW!” Skip
- New York: It’s Happening NYC Polling Station shut down due to “Pipe Bomb threat.”
- Detroit Michigan: The Absentee Ballot situation in Detroit is REALLY BAD. People are showing up to Vote only to be told, “sorry, you have already voted.” This is happening in large numbers, elsewhere as well. Protest, Protest, Protest!
- New Jersey: Machines are now down in New Jersey. Cheating starting already. Go watch this place up. “All voting machines are currently down in each district across Mercer County due to a printing and scanning issue with the ballots. Voters can still report to their respective polling locations and vote on a standard ballot and insert their ballot into the machine.”
- Texas: Tabulators down in Temple. Hold the line Texas! Several Houston sites reported delays due to a mixture of technical issues, but elections officials said that once the problems were resolved, early morning snarls were resolved and lines were vastly reduced, the Houston Chronicle reported.
- Pennsylvania:
(1) There were reports of Not Enough Paper Ballots in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. City officials in Philadelphia voted Tuesday morning — as polling places opened and the vote count began for the midterm elections — to reinstate a time consuming and labor-intensive process for catching double votes that will slow how quickly they can report results.
(2) Within hours of polls opening in Pennsylvania Tuesday morning, a “last minute change” is already causing vote count delays in notoriously corrupt Philadelphia. Before the change this morning, votes in the city were expected to be fully counted by Wednesday morning. Now, I think we know why Fetterman was predicting an “overnight comeback” in his bid for U.S. Senate. What is needed to wake people up to exactly how rigged our election systems are? Fetterman wins? Really? He was the biggest laughingstock out of all the candidates nationwide and he WINS? Not even remotely believable, even for normies. Big time wake up call.
(3) This morning, Nov. 8th, in Mount Vernon (the 38th District / Adam Kuzma is a resident and candidate for State Rep), Elizabeth Township, ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pennsylvania, voters were TURNED AWAY at 7:00 am this morning, poll reporters stating that “THE VOTER REGISTRATION REGISTRY DIDN’T SHOW UP TODAY”, and people could either vote by paper provisional ballot or try back again later – possibly after lunch hour. WHAAAAT???
(4) Same was also taking place in Bethel Park, ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pennsylvania. Confirmed by a friend who was turned away this morning, and also reported by Hannah Kuzma, wife of Adam Kuzma on Facebook. Local news stations are NOT REPORTING THIS! “
(5) Philadelphia, PA Male appears (to some people) to be actually MARKING Ballots with a pen, on live TV, when he is apparently __supposed__ to be counting them.
(6) Pennsylvania elected a dead state representative: We thought it was a joke but it’s NOT. THIS IS UNDENIABLE PROOF OF FRAUD! Pennsylvania voters reelected a Democratic state representative who died last month, the latest anomaly in a state that has been under the national political spotlight since voting to put Donald Trump in the White House in the 2016 race.
- Democrat Arrested for Tampering with Voting Machines:
- The New York Times Gets Brutally Mocked After Releasing Guide on How to ‘Cope’ With Election Results:
- Beck, Tues. a.m.: “Glenn’s POWERFUL Election Day message: ‘THIS is why we vote’” [5:45 video (cc)]
- Mike Lindell: “We are tracking every race by cyber. I want all the bad guys out there to know, we are watching. I’m putting them all on notice!”
- Fox News: Masked man cheating (sitting at a table marking multiple ballots) in front of the cameras on the mainstream Media.
- 289 Reports of Voter Fraud since the start of voting.
- New Q drop! Q4960: “Watch carefully. White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain. You have all the tools you need. Vote. Q”
Mid Term Election Voter Fraud Reported in 49 States: They are still using Dominion Voting Machines in 49 states – and early voting has shown that those machines were already algorithmically flipping ballots
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