UKRAINE WAR update// MSM is pushing any small story they can find on Ukraine winning the WAR.
_recently Ukraine bombed one Russian oil depot in Crimea and the mainstream Media sent news cycles across the world showing Ukraine is winning the war and starting a strong offensive.//// > The REAL Truth is it was just one oil tank and there were over 27 oil tanks at the oil depot. The drone attack Didi not stop the oil operations or shut down the plant and everything continued as normal within a few hours. There are over 3000 oil tanks in Eastern Ukraine and South West Russia alone and the destruction of one oil tank is just a distraction and used for MSM News cycle and DEEP STATE using the Narration to keep investors hoping U.S. oil companies will get their hands on the Ukrainian rich oil production and hope the Russians lose the war.
The Real NEWS is RUSSIA has launched 3 massive missile strikes and over the days and the sea of missiles have destroyed NATO commands targets and air defense weapons
9 Ukrainian brigade headquarters were destroyed in the predawn Russian attacks with over 1200 soldiers and commands dead in the missiles strikes and the MASSIVE death death toll of the Ukraine’s soldiers is 7 deaths to every 1 Russian soldiers ( that’s 70,000 dead Ukraine soldier for every 10,000 Russians killed)
The Ukrainian ( NATO/CIA) large scale offensive that was to take place last year backing October was pushed to December then was recently pushed to March and now reports are the Ukrainian MASSIVE offensive is Dead and the recent destruction of the NATO base near Kiev was a devastating blow with commanders from Poland. U.S. UK and over 300 top Commanders inside Ukraine and Allie forces.
_ As the Ukrainian Frozen grounds thaw quickly the Russians have already begun the first Stages of the Massive Spring attack….. And the U.S. General Lloyd Austin who gave FALSE reports that Ukraine was winning the war in August last year and this Year is now walking back reports .
_Ukraine had several demonstration over the weekend AGAINST Zelensky and mother’s banned together who lost their sons to the war and want Zelensky removed from power.
Videos emerge of Ukraine soldiers going to schools and getting teens at gun point to join the army and take them directly from the schools into combat.
_>At this point and all points THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA uses footage or small story of Ukraine winning an offensive or a small ATTACK and glamorize the event and plaster news cycles with the story.. .. as Halliburton , Exxon>BLACKROCK is fighting for the contracts ( but already told their investors they have the contracts to rebuild Ukraine and get the oil) to take control of oil >>>>>
Just like many wars where [ DS] U.S. oil companies take control of the oil production after creating WARS there. ////
BEHIND THE SCENES; FRANCE. GERMANY. HUNGARY, ITALY, TURKEY, PORTUGAL has align themselves with Russia and China ( this had been happening the past year and half ) and now the Richest billionaires in these countries are invested in Russian oil companies and productions …… And THEY are betting their life money on RUSSIA> CHINA rebuilding UKRAINE and taking over the oil. Gas and minerals industry and trillions in the projects and contracts to rebuild Ukraine .
Why has Zelensky been talking with China?
What does TRUMP know in the BACK CHANNELS?
How do you break apart and EXPOSE NATO as a CIA OPERATION?
Why did PUTIN say over 95% of world terrorist attacks created by CIA?
Why is TRUMP going after the CIA?
Whats in the laptop from hell?
How is EPSTEIN connected to BLACKROCK,> to [ NATO]
WHAT IF? They were BOTH placed actors by the WH.ats. >MILITARY Ops.
Storm Rider
Ukraine DENAZIFICATION – Operation Liberation / FULL DOKU 2022
>>Restored Republic<<
Active Executive Orders and [National Emergencies] listed
>>The Birth of the Cabal<<

Ascension All Connected and Also Important

Ascension All Connected and Also Important