The time of ignorant bliss is over, they kept us entertained with nonsense so we wouldn’t see what was really happening
I wish I could tell you to ignore all of this, to live your lives, go about your business and be happy, but that’s exactly what got us here, and if we keep ignoring things, we will end up owning nothing, and no, we won’t be happy, and no, I don’t like bugs, and no, I don’t want to be a serf on a miserable universal income.
The time of ignorant bliss is over, they kept us entertained with nonsense so we wouldn’t see what was really happening, but little by little, inch by inch, we were being encircled, trapped, poisoned, brainwashed and hypnotised to think things had to be this way.
There’s no more time for ignorance, the music must be faced, the realities confronted, and the walls of our mental prison must be brought down just like Joshua did in Jericho. We must blow our trumpets loud and clear, not just 7 but 7 billion of us, and the walls of the matrix will come down in an instant.
This battle is won with knowledge, with awareness, with consciousness, with courage and faith. It is won with righteousness, with conviction, with determination and with love.
We can no longer afford to hide our heads in the sand, we can no longer pretend others will fight for us and we can no longer assume things will be ok if we don’t do our share.
We can and we must contribute to positive change by changing ourselves, by speaking out, by not complying, by saying ‘no’, by claiming our sovereignty, by shining our light and by singing in tune with the symphony of the creator.
Those that chose to believe the lies, that took the easy route of compliance, that allowed fear to guide them, that ignored their better judgement, that did not listen to their intuition, now have poison running through their veins and a tougher journey to take.
We have a mission, we have a duty, we have to gain the knowledge to save ourselves and everyone around us. Keep planting the seeds, keep shining your light and keep singing the song of life, of love and freedom.
>>Restored Republic<<
Active Executive Orders and [National Emergencies] listed
>>The Birth of the Cabal<<

Ascension All Connected and Also Important

Ascension All Connected and Also Important