Quick Read News List 4th April
Restored Republic
The Mass Media could be considered the Enemy of the People for the Fake News they put out and all the corruption that they refused to investigate and report on – one of which was the Biden Crime Family. Joe Biden was expected to soon step down as US President after he was linked to years of corruption on an international scale. Evidence found on his son Hunter Biden’s laptop was basically a step-by-step description of one of the biggest influence pedaling schemes in history as done by Hunter and Joe Biden. Hunter Biden was funneling US Department of Defense funds to privately owned bio-weapon labs in Ukraine – labs that were planning on releasing pathogens on the General Public this Fall – until Putin stormed the country and took them out – creating a war between nations and A war between Good and Evil that was bound to end up as…….. The Crimes of the Century. More behind the scenes
Here’s How the CORRUPT Media Tried to COVERED UP Hunter’s Laptop
Bill Maher: The Left-Wing Media “Buried” Hunter Biden Story Because It “Wasn’t Part Of Their Narrative” https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bill-maher-left-wing-media-buried-hunter-biden-story-because-it-wasnt-part-their Russia Collusion Lead Investigator Kash Patel Has a Theory Why the Clinton Campaign is Paying FEC Fine https://resistthemainstream.org/russia-collusion-lead-investigator-kash-patel-has-a-theory-why-the-clinton-campaign-is-paying-fec-fine/ White House Asked Whether Biden Would Paron His Son Hunter or His Brother James Biden https://resistthemainstream.org/watch-white-house-asked-whether-biden-would-pardon-his-son-hunter-or-his-brother-james-biden/ Inflation Spikes to 11.9% in The Netherlands — Energy Component of Inflation Up 102% https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/inflation-spikes-11-9-netherlands-energy-component-inflation-102/ Germany Fighting Inflation Too – German Retailers Expected to Raise Prices Monday by 20-50% https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/germany-fighting-inflation-german-retailers-expected-raise-prices-monday-20-50/ MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Calls for NATO “Direct Military Involvement” in Ukraine After Russia Accused of Massacre of Civilians in Bucha https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/msnbcs-ali-velshi-calls-nato-direct-military-involvement-ukraine-russia-accused-massacre-civilians-bucha/ “What We Have Learned Is the Government Has Not Been Honest with Us” – Senator Rand Paul at the Globalism Rising Event at Regent University https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/learned-government-not-honest-us-senator-rand-paul-globalism-rising-event-regent-university/
Pakistan in Political Turmoil as Prime Minister Removed From Power After Dissolving Parliament https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/imran-khan-no-trust-vote-live-updates-pakistan-assembly-prime-minister-1932844-2022-04-03 https://apnews.com/article/pakistan-religion-ad929acf523850fdb63a5b6dd960f1d2

This is what the roads of Berlin look like today. Drivers organized a rally of more than 5,000 cars in support of the Russian Federation. Flags of Russia, the USSR and the Airborne Forces flutter on cars
>>Restored Republic<<
Active Executive Orders and [National Emergencies] listed
>>The Birth of the Cabal<<

Ascension All Connected and Also Important

Ascension All Connected and Also Important