Egypt has abandoned the IMF and has officially become a new member of the New Development Bank (NDB) created by BRICS member states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)
>] WIRES>] : BEN F
Egypt has abandoned the IMF and has officially become a new member of the New Development Bank (NDB) created by BRICS member states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
,There is also a lot taking place in Africa. Last week 40 heads of African States with met with Putin and Xi in Moscow. Now, in a sign the Russians, having kicked the French out of most of Africa, are going after British “ex-colonies,” Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said he was grateful for the Soviet Union’s assistance in Africa’s fight against colonialism…. “we are very satisfied with our cooperation with the Russian Federation…in the sphere of defense
At around the same time, Chad is nationalizing all assets from multinational oil giant Exxon Mobil, including its hydrocarbon and exploration permits. This means the Rockefellers are no longer able to steal oil from that country.
Meanwhile, Gen. Michael Langley, the head of US Africa Command (AFRICOM) is admitting Africans who receive US training later go on to be involved in coups against civilian governments.
We also see trucks moving coal from Richard’s Bay in South Africa to the EU. 9.6 million tons in 9 months. It may be that like the Americans are fleeing Syria with the last of their stolen oil, the KM is fleeing South Africa with stolen coal
It is with these sorts of developments in mind that Xi Jinping told the media “Change is coming that hasn’t happened in 100 years and we are driving this change together,” to which Putin answered, “I agree.”
They added China’s Ukraine peace proposal “is not only endorsed by Russia but is supported by the entire Global South.”
The war in Ukraine has been won by Russia anyway. As things stand 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers are trapped in the strategic and important city of Bakhmut aka Artyomovsk.
Now we find out Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar have reached a deal on the Black Sea.“He who controls The Black Sea will win this war.”
The cornered KM [Khazarian mafia] rats, meanwhile, are upping the ante on their war crimes. Polish intelligence says “Ukraine has been using chemical weapons for two months. The exact chemical composition of the substances used is not yet known, but they cause serious injuries to soldiers and civilians. The use of chemical weapons is a war crime committed by the Ukrainian side.”
The KM are also trying to spread radio-active substances disguised as “depleted uranium shells.” That is why UK deputy defense chief Annabelle Goldie will be charged with war crimes. is a geopolitical news and discussion website from reporter and investigative journalist Benjamin Fulford. Reports are based on information from a broad range of sources including the yakuza, MI6, the Freemasons, the CIA, the KGB, Mossad, the triads, the Chinese government, Japanese military intelligence, etc. We go by the motto, “if it appears in writing, somebody has beaten us to the story.” The reports provide updates and summaries of the latest events in the ongoing secret war for control of planet Earth. This website is completely independent and is not affiliated with any corporation or governmental organization.
] WIRES>];
Finally, we are hearing about intensified fighting at underground bases in the US and now Canada. We are even getting news reports out of Canada where they are at least admitting recent earthquakes aren’t natural, but almost certainly lying about the cause. Notice that it was 4KM underground.
The show also includes military fireworks in the Middle East. Last week saw an unprecedented military clash between Iran and the US on Syrian soil. Until now the Russians have held back the Iranians but now that Iran and Saudi Arabia have a military alliance, it looks like the green light has been given by China and Russia to kick US oil thieves out of Syria and Iraq
We all predicted Pope Francis death would be revealed this year or PUBLICLY removed…. Now the Fight for the Vatican is taking as DEEP STATE from several countries want their puppet installed
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