The Earth began to prepare for the final energy leap into the fifth dimension

As you may be aware, the new time countdown began right now, when the Earth began to prepare for the final energy leap into the fifth dimension, where she already exists in her subtle forms.

The time has come, Gaia; the time of transition. On one hand, we are preparing for a new era in our evolution; on the other hand, we are witnessing an enormous effort towards global collective transformation.

As you know, this preparation for the shift has been ongoing for many decades now, during which a series of cosmic accidents have taken place, triggering energetic changes on several different levels. It is now time to wake up, and this time let’s not miss any opportunity to learn, grow and advance in your evolution.

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What is the purpose of life? somebody asked

What is the purpose of life?’ somebody asked, ‘The purpose of life is life itself’ I answered.

Once you are able to see things with a little perspective and you appreciate the wholeness of you; in other words, that you are an eternal soul having a physical experience, you begin to understand the purpose of life.

It seems to me, that as blissful as it must be to exist in our ethereal, all-seeing, all-knowing, pain-free, soul condition, it must get pretty boring. After all, knowing is not the same as experiencing. Things must be felt, to be fully understood, and life is just that; a chance to feel what life feels like.

Understanding that this is a roller coaster ride that your soul chose to get on, places everything you are experiencing in a totally different context.

Not only does it make you come out of your ego, in the same way an actor stops playing a character when the director screams ‘cut!’, it also makes you understand, that as hard as it may seem to accept, you may have chosen these experiences as valuable lessons you wanted to understand.

At this point, life not only gets more interesting but also more fun. Now you know that Shakespeare was right, ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players’

Life is a real-time, live show, one where you get to play the part your soul chose, because it wanted to experience certain things and learn specific lessons. So my advice is, pay attention, learn the lessons you are here to learn and grow from them. The sooner you do, the more enjoyable life becomes.

Life is not meant to be suffered, although pain and suffering are part of it, but it’s very much meant to be enjoyed. It’s a gift to be here, a wonderful chance to hear, to see, to sense, to taste and to feel and express a limitless amount of things.

We are extraordinary, biological sensorial beings perfectly and purposefully created to be able to enjoy every aspect of this remarkable physical journey in the most beautiful, diverse and breathtaking habitat one could even begin to imagine.

So live and respect life for what it is; a gift from the Creator.

Being oneself is one of the most difficult things to achieve in life. It sounds crazy but it’s true.

For starters it takes us well into our midlife to figure out who we are, and that’s just some people, others die without really knowing!

It takes humility, strength, awareness and a good dose of self-introspection to start pealing off the layers of conditioning that we acquire and accumulate from birth.

Then one must dare to be that which you have discovered you are, and this is when only the very courageous achieve it.

At this point you are no longer identifying with your ego; the persona you thought you were is no longer who you are but here comes the next challenge…

All those around you only know the old you and they will resist your change, in part because people dislike change, but also because your transformation challenges their own status quo, and this makes them uncomfortable around you.

Be gentle and patient, give people a chance to accommodate to the new you, but if they still resist and put you down, walk away. Your personal evolution is more important and we all deserve to be loved for who we truly are and not for what others project on us.

The world is transforming because we are transforming. Never underestimate the power that we each have to collectively effect change. Be you and whilst you are at it, try always to be the best version of you.

Remember that at the end of the day, our only legacy in this life is the way we impacted the life of those we touched. Make sure that impact is one of kindness, compassion, courage, light and love. What more can we hope for.

Laura Aboli

First step in controlling the mind is to know how it functions

Throughout the ages, men and women have sought to cultivate their spiritual side. According to Buddhist belief, the mind is like a mirror that we must constantly polish in order to ensure it is always clean and clear. If we do not, we remain unable to see our true selves clearly and therefore fail to understand the conditions of our existence.

The mind is the major instrument in the world. It is the mind that has created this whole universe. The body is just a vehicle for it, a conveyance. Unless you can control your mind, you can not do anything about this world. And the first step in controlling the mind is to know how it functions, how thoughts arise and how they are destroyed. In the beginning, you have to be very alert about it because there is a constant battle going on between you and your mind — and if you don’t watch out, you will be defeated.

The mind consists of two parts: one part remains in the present moment; the other part goes back into memory and imagination. Thoughts are nothing more than wordless images or sensations that have been photographed in the past; these photographs are stored in your brain’s memory center, and when they flash on the screen of your mind again, they produce the exact same feeling that they produced before. That is why thought always gives rise to emotion.

It is one of the best-kept secrets that we have in mind. It is a visitor who thinks itself to be ours, but yet it is not ours. As a matter of fact, the mind is like the inner artist within us that creates the entire story based on assumptions and traces of memory, past experiences, and traumas.

The first thing to learn is that you are not your thoughts, nor are you your emotions—you are awareness itself. And there will be some distance between yourself and your thoughts and emotions as long as there is awareness; otherwise, there may be no awareness at all.

Mindfulness is the art of creating space in mind and stopping it from functioning in a habitual manner, so we are actually aware of what we are thinking and how we see the world. It’s all about being present, being aware and letting go. This is why it can be so hard to master. But when you do feel like you have mastered mindfulness, it can bring a profound change to your life.

Beware of the mind; it is not the real you. It is just a series of thoughts, images, and desires. It is like having a stranger dwell in your own home. Be spying on it, watching it, following it. Every moment becomes alert and watchful, alert and watchful. Don’t fight the mind—this too is a desire. And be aware of yourself: don’t go on cherishing yourself—this too is desire, a subtle form of self-cherishing—because there is no self to cherish at all.

The mind is simply a bundle of thoughts, feelings, and sensual perceptions. It is like an acquaintance that has taken up residence in your home. Instead of being intimidated, befriend the mind and gain mastery over it.

The mind is a friend, a helpful guide on the path, but it must be kept under careful control. Be friendly and avoid attachments such as rationalizing or clinging to them. It will help you to see things clearly rather than just from one side.

Don’t let the mind deceive you; it cannot be perfect. It is working against you and manipulating others to achieve its own ends.

Do not identify with your thoughts. They can not define you. You are infinite awareness, pure consciousness.

Stay alert. Thoughts are just thoughts. Don’t get attached to them. Watch it come and go; watch yourself react to it. Remember, you are not your thoughts; they are not you.

Do not follow this thought or that thought, but watch the space between the thoughts. And don’t go on fighting with thoughts: they are not real, and they cannot be destroyed.

This is the process of watching. That is aloneness. That is meditation. Once you are able to watch any phenomenon as if it were a movie, you can be free of it. Then it does not matter whether it is anger, or greed, or lust, or hatred—it does not matter because it is a phenomenon; learn to watch. Just by watching, the energy will be transformed. You will be free of it. And this watching doesn’t demand any effort at all; it is not like doing something — just don’t do anything to it. And slowly, slowly, there comes a moment when you are so full of light and joy that your whole being becomes a prayer—without words, without effort.

A person who can watch without being drawn into anything that is passing is called an emperor/empress. If you can watch without being involved in any way whatsoever—that’s what awareness means—then you are the emperor on the throne in your own house.

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