WIRES>]: Benjamin Fulford One person trying to abandon the sinking ship is Barack Obama who appears to be behind leaks of a passport showing he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.
One person trying to abandon the sinking ship is Barack Obama who appears to be behind leaks of a passport showing he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. Our own sources say his father was the American Communist Frank Marshall, but in any case, it looks like Obama is hoping to admit he was born in Kenya in order to seek political refuge there.
The trail of course leads to one of Biden’s main handlers, Alexander Soros who has come out of the closet and is no longer hiding behind computer graphics of his father George Soros.
Soros is in any case a front for Klaus Schwab Rothschild who is still trying to cling to power by hiring hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down.
Soon he will run out of money to pay for this because South American drug lords have cut their ties with the KM money laundering operation in Ukraine and have once again shifted their drug money laundering HQ to Cuba as this news item hints:
We hear from South American sources that silver will play a major role in integrating drug money into the global financial system.
In another sign that Ukraine money laundering is being shut down, the journalist Seymour Hersh is reporting that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and his senior officials are skimming American taxpayer dollars by the hundreds of millions. Releases by Hersh usually precede white hat law enforcement action.
While the KM are losing their Ukrainian and South American money laundering operations, the white hats are also leaking intelligence about how this regime spies on and abuses other remaining allies. The official story is that all these leaks being widely reported are coming from a young recruit. However, as a Canadian Security Intelligence Service source says: “In my professional opinion, there is an exactly 0% chance a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman got his hands on top secret war plans about a war we aren’t supposed to be in, at least not on his own”.
In any case, these leaks have irritated remaining KM allies in East Asia like South Korea.
Democratic Party of Korea floor leader Park Hong-Keun condemned the United States for “illegally wiretapping” South Korean leaders saying “it is an unacceptable practice that cannot be tolerated in the 70-year alliance and a clear infringement of South Korea’s sovereignty that shatters bilateral trust…”
BenjaminFulford.net is a geopolitical news and discussion website from reporter and investigative journalist Benjamin Fulford. Reports are based on information from a broad range of sources including the yakuza, MI6, the Freemasons, the CIA, the KGB, Mossad, the triads, the Chinese government, Japanese military intelligence, etc. We go by the motto, “if it appears in writing, somebody has beaten us to the story.” The reports provide updates and summaries of the latest events in the ongoing secret war for control of planet Earth. This website is completely independent and is not affiliated with any corporation or governmental organization.
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