Those of us that are aware of the difficult path humanity is on, will be able to help those who are still hypnotized by the Pied Pipers tune that’s leading them to oblivion.
It’s never easy to be ahead of the curve, but thanks to that, we have been able to protect ourselves, make better choices and prepare mentally for what may come.
We are also the ones contributing positively to the collective consciousness in order to manifest the type of future we dream of which is vitally important. Never underestimate your contribution.
Our footprints will help others find their way, our light will guide them and our compassion will make their awakening more bearable.
I believe this is our role and our destiny, it may not feel fair at times and it certainly has not been easy, but we were chosen for a reason. So be proud for it and take on your role with courage and responsibility. Our Creator will reward you for it.
The Great Awakening is just that! Author Peter B. Meyer makes it sobbingly clear that, unless we, as responsible adults, don’t take action now, the impact on ourselves, our children, the future generation will be irreversible and nothing short of disastrous.
What impact? The answer is ominously wide reaching, including socioeconomic, educational, cultural and environmental aspects. What makes Peter’s message hard-hitting is that this is no mere theorizing but comprises hard facts supported by statistics and references taken from alternative professional literature, websites, journals, and reports.
STAND FIRM – A Message For Those Who Can See – David Icke
When We Succeed This Story Will Be Known To The Whole World!
The Netherlands – The massive freedom demonstration planned for today in Amsterdam was canceled due to David Icke’s ban. Still thousands of people decided to peacefully demonstrate and this was the Government’s response.
What were you doing in the lockdowns
V for Vendetta on TV Scene
“If you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror …”
“Historians of the future will have a hard time figuring out how so many organized groups of strident jackasses succeeded in leading us around by the nose and morally intimidating the majority into silence.”
~ Thomas Sowell
When We Succeed This Story Will Be Known To The Whole World!
A Spiritual Awakening means to open our eyes to the needs of others and to God’s goodness all around us
It means to rise up in defense of truth and in [defense of the vulnerable]. It means to clothe ourselves in what the Apostle Paul called “the whole armor of God” – surrounding ourselves with truth, righteousness, peace, faith and the Word of God. Such spiritual preparation doesn’t make our troubles go away, any more than armor ends a war – though it does help us to stand strong, no matter what. It gives us hope, perspective and peace during tumultuous times.
God Speaks To Those Who Sincerely Want to Hear
God could easily amaze us with loud, imposing demonstrations of His power, but most of the time, He doesn’t. Instead, He whispers gently, quietly, softly. Perhaps this is because He knows that in our chaotic world, what we need the most from Him is peace and He doesn’t want to force it upon us. He speaks to those who sincerely want to hear, who make the effort to hear. That takes great effort. It means striving to mute the noise in our lives, to clear the clutter from our minds and negate pride from our hearts while seeking sacred moments alone with the Lord.